To Boldly Go

=A= Alien Races =A=

( R T )


Copyright by Cleve Johnson




Planet                                     Ruhl

Class                                       M

Political System                     Plutarchy

Capital                                    Watel

Population                              4.7 billion

Warp Capable                       2248

Diameter                                12,542 km

Distance from Star                151,253,000 km

Surface Temperature           -43.2° to 38.1°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 25.6°C

Rotation Period                     22 hours 8 minutes

Orbital Period                       378 days 5 hours 21 minutes

Gravity                                   0.98 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    Communication and defense satellites, orbital space


Federation Member              No (Friendly)


Ruhl is slightly smaller than Earth but has similar seasonal weather patterns. The planet has nine continents and hundreds of islands. Saltwater oceans make up about fifty-six percent of the surface. Much of the land is designated for agriculture and forests. There are a few dozen cities with populations of five hundred thousand or more.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Ruhl are a humanoid species, similar to humans; however, their skin tends to have an orange tint probably due to an abundance of carotin in most of the edible plants on the planet. Hair color tends to be various shades of red or blonde. Ruhl are similar to humans in their average height and weight. The Ruhl live under threat of attack by the Enkara due to its proximity to the Enkar border, so the military is on constant alert. The general population feels protected, yet the people tend to live with stress and anxiety as they are always expecting to be attacked.

Government/History:  Ruhl is a plutarchy under the rule of a planetary council that is made up of twenty-seven members from the wealthiest families on the planet. Wealth is measured by how much land a family owns/controls and the resources contained on the land (minerals, agricultural production, livestock, etc.). The head of each of these families decides which family member will be on the council and may replace that person with another family member at any time; however, most of the families prefer to have the same representative serve for at least three years. It is unusual for the same family member to serve on the council for more than eight years.

Technology:  Ruhl’s technology is equivalent to Earth’s early-24th Century technology level. They have warp drive, transporters, and pulse energy weapons for defense. Also, they have developed advanced force field domes s to protect their cities from orbital bombardment.




Planet                                     P’Khati

Class                                       M

Political System                     Democratic Republic

Capital                                    G’hanet

Population                              3.1 billion

Warp Capable                       Entered theoretical phase 2376

Diameter                                12,503 km

Distance from Star                150,014,000 km

Surface Temperature           -41.7° to 42.1°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 22.8°C

Rotation Period                     24 hours 12 minutes

Orbital Period                       374 days 4 hours 03 minutes

Gravity                                   0.98 standard

Moons                                     1 (T’Rhek)

Orbital Facilities                    Communication Satellites

Federation Member              No (Friendly/Federation Protectorate)


P’Khati is slightly smaller than Earth, but it is similar with its proportion of land to water ratio. The planet also undergoes similar seasonal changes as Earth since its axial tilt compared to its sun is almost identical to Earth’s.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Runii are a humanoid species, similar in appearance to humans with two major exceptions. Runii have four digits on each of their hands and feet. They also have three nostrils. Hair color tends to be brown or black for most individuals. Runii skin color is brown or dark tan. Regardless of gender, Runii usually parallel human male average height and weight. Culturally, the Runii have developed much like Earth; however, the planet created a unified government comparatively more quickly than Earth did. Runii males typically dominate public service and government, while females excel in the arts and sciences. The Runii are highly intelligent and resourceful. They respect all life and are determined to protect their ecology, even if technological advancement must be delayed.

Government/History:  P’Khati is a peaceful world that has enjoyed a unified government for about 230 years. It has a representative democratic form of government with four major political parties and another six or seven minor parties. Local political issues are usually debated and decided by direct citizen participation.

Technology:  Runii technology closely parallels Earth’s mid-21st Century level of development. They have an interplanetary space program in place and are beginning to work toward faster-than-light interstellar travel. They assume that they are not alone in the universe and plan to prove their assumption by going where none of their people have gone before.




Planet                                     Selerus

Class                                       M

Political System                     Council of Leaders (based on historical family lines)

Capital                                    Meehenek

Population                              8.3 billion

Warp Capable                       At least 3 millennia

Diameter                                12,644 km

Distance from Star                149,328,000 km

Surface Temperature           -28.9° to 46.2°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 30.6°C

Rotation Period                     21 hours 52 minutes

Orbital Period                       361 days 12 hours 31 minutes

Gravity                                   0.99 standard

Moons                                     None

Orbital Facilities                    None

Federation Member              No (Friendly/Semi-Isolationists)


Selerus is almost the same size as Earth and much of it is a sub-tropical jungle. The planet has one major continent and hundreds of small islands scattered throughout its two oceans. Only one third of the planet is covered by water. The equatorial region of the planet is where most inhabitants choose to live, due to the climate.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Seleri are a dinosaur-like species. In fact, the Seleri is the parent race of the Saurians, a Federation member race. Seleri have four hearts and can breathe several different gases that are either poisonous or not breathable by most humanoid species. Their night vision is superior to most other known species, but not quite as good as human eyesight in the sunlight. Seleri look so similar to one another, both males and females, that it is difficult for a non-Seleri to distinguish between them. The Seleri have isolated themselves after an ancient period of galactic exploration, believing that their own planet was the best place for them to live. They have a strong affinity for self-reliance as individuals and as a race; therefore, they do not wish to seek outside help, even when threatened with extinction.


Government/History:  Selerus is ruled by a council of leaders that is made up of representatives from each province and inhabited regions. Succession of each leader comes through the family line. The Seleri explored much of the galaxy about three millennia ago, but some of their starships were lost. It is theorized that the Saurians are descended from the survivors of those vessels.

Technology:  The Seleri are technologically more advanced than most Alpha and Beta Quadrant societies known to the Federation; however, they have abandoned space exploration.




Planet                                     Hyvol IV a.k.a. Shaleesal

Class                                       M

Political System                     Confederation of Nations/Various Nation States

Capital                                    Slee/Various national capitals

Population                              1.6 billion

Warp Capable                       2274

Diameter                                12,256 km

Distance from Star                147463,700 km

Surface Temperature           -20.8° to 41.2°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 28.9°C

Rotation Period                     18 hours 3 minutes

Orbital Period                       354 days 2 hours 14 minutes

Gravity                                   0.96 standard

Moons                                     2 (Sraal, Salis)

Orbital Facilities                    Various communication and multipurpose satellites

Federation Member              No (hostile)


Hyvol IV is a planet that has abundant forests, jungles, and deserts. The planet has thousands of mammalian lifeforms as well as a wide variety of reptile and aquatic species. An unusual fact about the planet is that only one species of flying animal exists, which is a favorite pet for the dominant intelligent species—the Serapzel. The planet is also home to a sentient humanoid species known as the Shia. The planet has four continents and thousands of small islands, and the surface is covered by fifty-two percent water.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Serapzel are sentient snakes that have a 3.95 meter average length. The males and females are indistinguishable in appearance. As reptiles, the Serapzel eat many species of small mammals; however, they usually only have a meal once every five or six days. Larger mammals and the sentient but primitive Shia can make a meal that will serve a Serapzel’s dietary needs for a month. The only flying species, which is a mammal known as a suleshka, is revered and kept as a pet by many. It would be sacrilege to use a suleshka as a food source. The Serapzel have fangs and venom sacks in their mouths. The venom is powerful enough to kill most humanoids and many non-humanoid races within a few hours if bitten. The Serapzel do not wear clothing except for a few who choose to wear a cape with large mammal fur. The average lifespan is 172 years.

Government/History:  There are dozens of nation states that have joined in a confederation to unite against a race called the Luzevi from the nearby L’Qenu star system that had visited Hyvol IV more than a hundred years ago. A few years after the invasion, the Serapzel joined together and became aggressive and militaristic. After they attained warp drive a few years after the Luzevi had come to Hyvol, the Serapzel travelled to L’Qenu and started making regular attacks to deter the Luzevi from returning; however, the attacks resulted in retaliatory strikes by the Luzevi. Each planet has attacked the other multiple time for more than one hundred years.

Technology:  Serapzel technology is similar to early 22nd Century Earth technology. Warp drive was in development at the time the Luzevi first visited Hyvol IV, but development accelerated because of the perceived threat of alien invasion. Their ships now have a top speed of warp 3.7. Weapons development also was made a priority. Serapzel have short-range starships equipped with plasma energy cannons, missiles, and primitive force fields. For the warriors, the hand weapon of choice is a Choslith, a combination double-edged blade and small shield. They are on the verge of enhancing their force fields into deflector shields and developing more powerful plasma weapons. Serapzel scientists have not developed anything that resembles transporter or replicator technology as of 2380 (Old Earth calendar).




Planet                                     Hyvol IV a.k.a. Shaleesal

Class                                       M

Political System                     Various Tribes/Tribal Councils

Capital                                    N/A

Population                              423 million

Warp Capable                       N/A

Diameter                                12,256 km

Distance from Star                147463,700 km

Surface Temperature           -20.8° to 41.2°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 28.9°C

Rotation Period                     18 hours 3 minutes

Orbital Period                       354 days 2 hours 14 minutes

Gravity                                   0.96 standard

Moons                                     2 (Sraal, Salis)

Orbital Facilities                    N/A

Federation Member              No (Primitive)


Hyvol IV is a planet that has abundant forests, jungles, and deserts. The planet has thousands of mammalian lifeforms as well as a wide variety of reptile and aquatic species. An unusual fact about the planet is that only one species of flying animal exists, which is a favorite pet for the dominant intelligent species—the Serapzel. The planet is also home to a sentient humanoid species known as the Shia. The planet has four continents and thousands of small islands, and the surface is covered by fifty-two percent water.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Shia are a race of humanoids that are rather small with an average height of 1.49 meters for both males and females. Shia have medium dark skin and light brown hair. They have longer arms than most humanoids. Their eye structure is more similar to a bird’s eye than that of other humanoids, which aids their alertness to predators. They typically wear simple cloth tunics and cloth foot coverings wrapped in leather straps. They are muscular and quite agile. They tend to be very cautious due to a large sentient snake species—the Serapzel—that thinks the Shia people make a fine meal. Shia are a primitive tribal people who usually do not have conflicts with other tribes, but there have been a few instances where conflicts have led to small skirmishes. They are hunter-gatherers and sometimes nomadic. They live in simple huts built in the branches of the large trees that grow in the forests of Hyvol IV. Almost all Shia are left-handed, and the few right-handers are elevated to almost god-like status because, in their belief, a right-handed person is blessed by their gods. Shia believe in gods of nature, but the highest and most powerful is called The Great One, who created all the other gods and the world according to their mythos. On average, they live about 42 years.

Government/History:  Shia do not have a central government. They live in tribes with each tribe having a chief, at least one person knowledgeable in healing and herbal arts, and at least one “seer” who speaks for the gods.

Technology:  The Shia are a primitive people who have developed stone knives, axes, and wooden spears with stone spearpoints. They weave cloth and tan leather, but that is the extent of their technology.




Planet                                     Pesedon

Class                                       M

Political System                     Unknown

Capital                                    Unknown

Population                              7.1 billion (based on U.S.S. Monarch sensor scans)

Warp Capable                       Antiquity

Diameter                                14,572 km

Distance from Star                154,612,000 km

Surface Temperature           -36.1° to 31.9°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 19.6°C

Rotation Period                     21 hours 15 minutes

Orbital Period                       385 days 9 hours 23 minutes

Gravity                                   1.14 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    System Defense C&C Station, Defense Satellite Production and Repair Station

Federation Member              No (Neutral/Isolationist)


Pesedon has a cooler temperature than Earth and forty-six percent of the surface is covered by snow and ice year-round.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The S’Klopses are humanoid. They are much taller than humans; the males that have been encountered range in height from 2.5 to 2.7 meters. The most notable feature that sets the S’Klopses apart from humans is the single eye in the middle of their foreheads. They tend to be isolationists due to negative encounters with other worlds during their galactic exploration period (4-6 thousand years ago). An expedition to Earth, which they visited about five thousand years ago, became a tragic event when one of the explorers encountered a group of ancient Greek sailors. In ignorance and fear, the sailors blinded the S’Klopses as he slept in a cave that he had set up as a temporary laboratory to study Earth’s ecosystem. The Monarch’s archaeologists and historians hypothesized that this encounter precipitated the Cyclops myth in Homer’s Odyssey.

Government/History:  Little is known about Pesedon government. First contact was established with Prefect Golgath by the U.S.S. Monarch in 2378. It is not known whether Golgath is one of his planet’s leaders or an officer of a military/police organization.

Technology:  Little is known of Pesedon’s level of technology, but all indications appear that it is superior to Earth’s as of 2378, especially in regard to transporter technology. The S’Klopses abandoned interstellar travel thousands of years ago, but they have developed matter/energy transport device with a range of at least three to four light years. The actual range of their transporters may be much farther, but that is speculation. The S’Klopses have also developed a network of hundreds of thousands of satellites that surround their star system in a spherical shape. These satellites can generate an energy force field to prevent any ship or other object from entering the system.





Planet                                     Nu-Tirath

Class                                       M

Political System                     Monarchy

Capital                                    Rorin

Population                              2.7 Billion

Warp Capable                       2340

Diameter                                12,945 km

Distance from Star                151,718,400 km

Surface Temperature           -21.1° to 37.8°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 29.6°C

Rotation Period                     27 hours 7 minutes

Orbital Period                       373 days 2 hours 12 minutes

Gravity                                   1.01 standard

Moons                                     5 (Roree, Leonen, Nal, Sim, Kala)

Orbital Facilities                    Orbital Defense Station, Spacecraft Construction Facility, Defense Satellites, Communication Satellites

Federation Member              No (Neutral)


Nu-Tirath is approximately the same size as Earth. It has several mountain ranges, plains, forests, and jungles. The tropical region, where the majority of citizens live, has warm weather with plenty of sunshine; however, during the summer, it rains for one to two hours almost every day. This weather pattern lasts for about seven to nine weeks annually.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  Tirathians are felinoid and resemble bipedal lions. Unlike some other felinoid species, Tirathians do not have tales. They are a little shorter than most humans; males average a height 1.7 meters and females 1.6 meters. Males dominate, but they deeply care for their mates. Males usually have multiple wives and could have as many as fifteen or sixteen. All the wives care for each other and care for all the children in the family. Tirathians wear a variety of clothing styles, but members of the Royal Guard wear armored skirts, sleeveless leather undershirts, wide cloth sashes (crossed from each shoulder to the waist), and a decorative cape. The people rarely trust outsiders because of raids from unknown aliens during the last few years.

Government/History:  Nu-Tirath is ruled by a hereditary king. The king’s brothers are assigned principalities. The number of principalities changes periodically based on the number of princes. When the king dies, his oldest son ascends to the throne, and he realigns the principalities, adding to or subtracting from, based on how many brothers he has. The new king’s uncles each retain the title of “prince” and become the king’s advisors. This form of government has lasted at least two millennia.

Technology:  The Tirathians developed sub-light space travel more than one hundred twenty years ago, and they have established colonies on each of their five moons, which are all class D. These colonies were established to mine the precious metals and minerals to use for construction of cities on the home world as well as for spacecraft. They developed warp drive and made their first warp flight in Earth year 2340. They do not have transporter technology. They do have energy weapons for defense of their starships and orbital stations. They also have developed defensive energy weapons based on the ground and pointed toward the sky because of alien attacks. The Royal Guards carry energy pistols, but they also carry a double spearpoint pole weapon with a sharp blade in the center of the pole. In addition, they carry large shields that are made of a metal mined from one of their moons that can absorb several blasts from several different types of energy small weapons fire.




Planet                                     Tranak

Class                                       O

Political System                     Unknown (Dictatorship?)

Capital                                    Unknown

Population                              5.7 billion (?)

Warp Capable                       2371 (?)

Diameter                                11,248 km

Distance from Star                151,765,000 km

Surface Temperature           -8.1° to 39.8°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 28.7°C

Rotation Period                     30 hours 4 minutes

Orbital Period                       392 days 4 hours 3 minutes

Gravity                                   0.88 standard

Moons                                     3

Orbital Facilities                    Orbital Ship Construction Facility, 8 Drydocks

Federation Member              No (Hostile)


Little is known about Tranak, but the U.S.S. Providence scanned the 14-planet system in 2376. The fourth planet is primarily covered by water with only about 16 percent land, which is made up of thousands of small islands.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Tranak appear to be fish-like humanoids. They are amphibious, capable of breathing underwater or in Nitrogen-Oxygen atmospheres. They have bluish-gray skin and appear hairless. They have a single ridge running from the center of their foreheads to the base of their necks. Their ears are fin-shaped. Not much is known about the Tranak culture; however, first contact with the species was less than cordial. The Providence’s senior officers all felt that the brief encounter with a Tranak ship’s commander indicated that the Tranak were fearful of outsiders. The Tranak commander compared them to an unknown alien race, called the Rihansa, that had apparently invaded the Tranak star system several decades earlier. The Providence’s science officer theorized that the Rihansa may be a reference to the Romulans, based on Tranak’s nearness to Romulan space and the similarity of the name “Rihansa” to the Romulans self-identifying terminology.

Government/History:  Nothing is known at this time about their government or history. The only clue about their recent past is the Tranak commander’s mention of the Rihansa invaders.

Technology:  Tranak appear to be technologically inferior to most Federation worlds, at least in regard to scans of the only Tranak ships that have been observed. They have a primitive form of warp drive, probably first generation, and their sublight engines are chemically fueled, similar to late 20th and early 21st Century Earth rockets. Tranak ships are equipped with primitive laser weapons.



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