To Boldly Go

=A= Alien Races =A=

( A F )


Copyright by Cleve Johnson




Planet                                    Alithias

Class                                       M

Political System                     Various Monarchies

Capital                                    Ari-el/Nestor-al/Egel-at

Population                              24.4 Million

Warp Capable                       N/A

Diameter                                11,426 km

Distance from Star                148,563,056 km

Surface Temperature           -32.5° to 38.4°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 25.8°C

Rotation Period                     20 hours 3 minutes

Orbital Period                       354 days 2 hours 47 minutes

Gravity                                   0.9 standard

Moons                                     1 (Avi-ena)

Orbital Facilities                    Vaxi Research Station Dosa

Federation Member              No (Neutral/Protectorate of Vaxi)


Alithias is a beautiful planet with mountain ranges and high cliffs. It has many valleys, forests, and grasslands. Most of the planet has little variation in seasons, and fair weather prevails most of the time. An occasional rain showers bring refreshment every couple of weeks, and on rare occasions, an electrical storm may occur (usually only in the equatorial regions). The polar regions are extremely cold all year round. There is abundant flora and fauna on the planet. About thirty-eight percent of the surface is covered by water.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  Alithians are an avian race that resemble ravens; however, these bird people stand about 2.1 meters on average. Like birds, they are covered with feathers and have a beak; however, they also have some differences. They have external ears that are covered by feathers, and they have two horns on their heads. They also have a fish-like fin on the back of their heads. Their powerful wings allow them to soar for long distances. It is common for an Alithian to travers fifty kilometers in a day. The color of wings and feathers have a lot of variety in the species, but lighter color shades seem to be the most abundant. Alithians spend most of their days in flight except when the time comes each year to build a nest and lay eggs. Males are responsible for keeping the eggs warm while females, after laying eggs, will spend most of her time hunting to provide for her mate and eventually her chicks. They do wear loose fit cloth tunics and short breaches (males) or short skirts (females). Members of royal families usually wear a gold or silver decorative headband, and the queens carry a jeweled scepter.

Government/History:  Alithians do not have a central government, but most of the people belong to one of three Queendoms. Each has a queen matriarch that rules her subjects usually with benevolence and provides many freedoms. The three queendoms have enjoyed peace between them for at least three hundred years, but the people rarely associate with others outside of their own queendom. The queens do meet annually to celebrate their peaceful heritage together and renew their commitment to that peace in a four-day ritual.

Technology:  Alithians have not developed space travel and do not generally use any form of mechanical or scientific technology; however, each queen has been given a subspace communication device by the Vaxinaal to communicate with them with requests for supplies or other forms of aid if needed as well as for help if a hostile alien species tries to invade Alithias.




Planet                                    Batir IV

Class                                       L

Political System                     Planetary Council

Capital                                    Nav-lat

Population                              7 Million

Warp Capable                       1862

Diameter                                11,987 km

Distance from Star                149,947,200 km

Surface Temperature           -12.7° to 49.1°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 38.1°C

Rotation Period                     22 hours 57 minutes

Orbital Period                       379 days 19 hours 52 minutes

Gravity                                   0.95 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    dozens of communications satellites and sensor probes

Federation Member              No (Neutral/Friendly)


Batir IV is rocky and mostly barren with no indigenous animal life. The atmosphere contains argon and oxygen, but it is heavy with carbon dioxide. Surface water is scarce, but underground water sources can be found in the northern and southern regions in abundance. Normally, class L worlds do not produce sentient life forms; however, Batir is an exception, having developed an advanced civilization.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  Batirians are rather short with an average height of 1.5 meters. They have greenish-bronze skin, which is smooth and somewhat rubbery. They are hairless and have two antennae on the top of their heads. Their heads are somewhat bulbous, especially in the rear, and they have very large yellow eyes with vertical pupils. They breathe carbon dioxide but can spend several hours in oxygen-rich atmospheres without ill effects. Batirian males and females can only be distinguished by a gemstone that grows in the middle of the males’ brow line. The have short, pointed ears that are swept horizontally towards the back of their heads. Every Batirian encountered has worn a flexible plastiform suit with metallic plates that cover certain areas and mechanical sensors and control mechanisms built into their arm bracers. Little is known about their way of life, and it is believed that they live in underground cities. They are very curious and excel in xenoanthropological research and study.

Government/History:  The Batirians have a planetary council that governs its citizens, but the hierarchal structure within the council is not known other than there are three high council members with one of them who presides over the council meetings. The assumption is that the members of the council are elected by a democratic process.

Technology:  Batirians have had advanced FTL capability for almost 500 years. Their ships use a sophisticated magnetic drive propulsion system, and their starships are saucer-shaped. They have used their advanced starships to travel to many worlds, including 20th Century Earth, which explains many UFO sightings of that era.




Planet                                    Kentaq

Class                                       M

Political System                     Various Tribes

Capital                                    N/A

Population                              19.6 Million

Warp Capable                       N/A

Diameter                                12,791 km

Distance from Star                152,053,700 km

Surface Temperature           -22.2° to 41.5°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 24.8°C

Rotation Period                     24 hours 2 minutes

Orbital Period                       384 days 3 hours 55 minutes

Gravity                                   1.0 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    Vaxi Research Station Oon

Federation Member              No (Neutral/Protectorate of Vaxi)


Kentaq is a world similar to Earth. Like Earth, Kentaq has many plains, valleys, mountains, forests, and deserts. The land to water ratio is also similar with seventy-two percent of the planet covered by water. There are five continents and a few dozen large islands as well as thousands of small islands. The average temperature is a little cooler than Earth, and weather patterns are similar. Vegetation and small animals are abundant, and there are a few predatory animals, a few of which are rather large.


Physical Appearance/Culture:  Brunak are similar in appearance to bears that live on Earth. The Brunak are bipeds and rather large with an average height of 2.05 meters for males and 1.9 meters for females. Fur is dark brown and has little variety between individuals, but they have humanoid hair on their heads that usually is a little lighter shade of brown than their fur. Instead of ears on top of their heads, like actual bears, they have rounded protruding ears on the side as most humanoids do. Their hands and feet have sharp claws. Typical attire includes a cloth sash tunic and a wide leather sash belt with an armored shoulder guard worn on the right shoulder. They also wear a cloth wrapping around their waist and cloth pants. They live in caves or in log huts on the edge of heavily wooded areas. They eat nuts and berries, but they are also hunters who feast on small game. On occasion, they might encounter one of the larger predatory animals during a hunt, which can provide food for an entire tribe for several weeks as long as the hunters don’t allow themselves to fall as prey. All Brunak share a belief in a Great Creator Spirit and in an afterlife. Many tribes believe that their ancestors watch over them and sometimes provide guidance through speaking to them in dreams. Many Brunak start each day by thanking their ancestors for their lives and asking them to give them guidance, and they end each day by asking them to speak to them as they sleep. They celebrate a semiannual feast in honor of their creator and a weekly feast in honor of their ancestors. Brunak practice monogamous marriages and only mate once unless a mate dies while the surviving spouse is still young and viral enough to continue to produce children. Brunak have an average lifespan of forty years. When going on a hunt or into battle against another tribe, Brunak typically are mounted on a Rufa—a large wolf-like predator that has been successfully domesticated.

Government/History:  Brunak live in a society made up of hundreds of tribes scattered around the planet. Many tribes might form alliances with others, but alliances tend to shift periodically. Some tribes work to live in peace with others, but some tribes are more aggressive and will make war with other tribes over the control of land or because a member of one tribe offended a member of another in some way. When a tribal chief dies, a new chief is chosen, not based on heredity, but by display of strength, wisdom, and will.

Technology:  Brunak are primitive and live by the ways of their ancestors. They are aware of intelligent life on other planets and have been visited by the Vaxinaal on numerous occasions. Technology is limited to primitive axes, knives, and other primitive weapons. Most tribes have developed crossbows to be used for hunting or in battle, the hunter/warriors carry a leather whip and wooden staff.




Planet                                    Chula/B’Moth II

Class                                       M

Political System                     Empire

Capital                                    Unknown

Population                              Unknown

Warp Capable                       Antiquity

Diameter                                13,982 km

Distance from Star                154,993,700 km

Surface Temperature           -22.7° to 47.9°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 33.5°C

Rotation Period                     18 hours 26 minutes

Orbital Period                       397 days 6 hours 7 minutes

Gravity                                   1.1 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    0

Federation Member              No (Hostile)


Chula/B’Moth II is slightly larger than Earth and warmer. The planet’s surface is made of 62 percent land. Most of the surface water area primarily consists of freshwater rivers and lakes. Saltwater seas only make up 30 percent of the water on the planet. Many varieties of plant life exist as well as an abundance of plant-eating animals and a few larger predators. The planet is within the Klingon Empire and is now home to hundreds of thousands of Klingons.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  Chulak are marginally humanoid. They have gray skin and a ridged head with course hair that grows only from the ridge. The hair ridges bristle when a Chulak displays intense emotion, especially when angered. Their average height is comparable to most humans. They have fangs and clawed fingers. Their average lifespan is unknown. Not much is known about their culture but based on the limited contact the Federation and Klingons have had, the Chulak appear to be warlike and loyal to their emperor. A strong sense of honor is one quality that has been witnessed.

Government/History:  The only thing known about the Chulak is that they were driven from Chula approximately 2,200 years ago by an unknown species only known as “The Others.” Presumably, the Chulak was an empire that covered a lot of territory that now encompasses portions of the Klingon and Romulan Empires as well as some Federation territory. Apparently, the Chulak were pursued to another part of the galaxy by “The Others” and spent the last hundred years traveling back to retake their home planet, which is now under Klingon control.

Technology:  The Chulak technology level is on par with Federation, Klingon, and Romulan technology. Chulak ships have shields that are almost as strong as current Federation ships, and weapons are at nearly the same level. Chulak also employ a stealth technology that renders their ships invisible to sensors. Although the Chulak ships are visible to the naked eye, ship sensors of other races do not have the ability to detect them.




Planet                                     Enkar

Class                                       M

Political System                     Dictatorship

Capital                                    Binlad

Population                              11.3 billion

Warp Capable                       2192

Diameter                                11,398 km

Distance from Star                164,693,000 km

Surface Temperature           -32.7° to 27.9°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 20.2°C

Rotation Period                     23 hours 4 minutes

Orbital Period                       391 days 21 hours 58 minutes

Gravity                                   0.89 standard

Moons                                     1 (Adolfa)

Orbital Facilities                    Defense Station One, Defense Station Two, Enkar

Spaceport and Construction Yards

Federation Member              No (Hostile)


Enkar is slightly smaller than Earth and colder. The planet’s land to water ratio is almost evenly matched. Hardy vegetation grows abundantly, and animals tend to be large.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  Enkara are humanoid with slight variations of their internal organs. They have serrated protruding brow ridges. Their average height is comparable to most humans. They have dark-green skin and dark green eyes. Their bushy hair color varies from dark brown to jet black, which they typically wear somewhat short (males and females). Their average lifespan is 52 years. Not much is known about their culture, but Starfleet believes that the Enkara are extremely warlike, possibly fanatical in their belief that they are superior to all other sentient races.

Government/History:  The only thing known at this time is that the Enkara currently has a dictatorial regime and that they have conquered or colonized all habitable worlds within 15 light years of their planet, and they apparently want to expand. Any alien ships that enter their claimed space are considered enemy targets. Based on information gathered from the S’Klopses and through limited contact by the crew of the U.S.S. Monarch, the Enkara use alien captives as slave labor.

Technology:  The Enkara technology is comparable to Earth of the early 23rd Century; however, primary development has centered on weapons and defense, allowing the Enkara to create weapons roughly equal or slightly superior to those currently used by Starfleet. They do possess transporter technology. Although the Enkara ships are equipped with warp drive, their range is limited to less than eighty light years without refueling and top speed is known to be approximately warp 6.7.





Planet                                     Brazgaar

Class                                       M

Political System                     Unknown

Capital                                    Unknown

Population                              2.2 billion

Warp Capable                       2026

Diameter                                11,631 km

Distance from Star                151,062,740 km

Surface Temperature           -22.4° to 38.1°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 23.3°C

Rotation Period                     22 hours 14 minutes

Orbital Period                       367 days 11 hours 7 minutes

Gravity                                   0.91 standard

Moons                                     2 (Brazgaar-an, Brazgaar-zo)

Orbital Facilities                    Hundreds of small satellites

Federation Member              No (Neutral)


Brazgaar is slightly smaller than Earth and has strong seasonal differences due to a forty-eight-degree axial tilt. The planet has four continents and very few islands, but the land mass makes up seventy-six percent of the surface with most of the surface water heavily salted. Most fresh water sources are underground; however, some small spring-fed lakes can be found on all continents. Vegetation grows abundantly. Most animal species are small with he largest species no larger than cattle found on Earth.


Physical Appearance/Culture:  Fwelev are bipedal creatures with hairless bulbous heads, frog-like legs and feet, and have 5 slightly clawed fingers. They have long slender arms and thin torsos. Their draconic eyes are unusual in that they are different colors with the left eye being green and the right eye blue. Fwelev have two hearts and two stomachs. Average height is They only have one gender, and their reproduction process is unknown. They tend to be Their average height is 1.72 meters Their skin color is light Caucasian and has a reddish mottling pattern. They are a telepathic species with the ability to communicate with each other and with other sentient species that they have encountered. Their average lifespan is estimated to be at least three hundred years. Not much is known about their culture, but they appear to be a curious people and scientifically minded. They are cautious about other sentient species and conduct covert observation of other planets and their inhabitants.


Government/History:  Nothing is known at this time about their form of government or history other than they have visited other worlds and conducted scientific study of several worlds in their area of space.


Technology:  Fwelev technology incudes FTL capable ships, which they have been producing for more than three hundred fifty years, as well as short-range transporter technology. They carry large rings attached to belts around their waists, and the purpose of the rings is not known, but the rings seem to generate or store energy. The Starfleet away team that made first contact with the Fwelev speculated that the rings might be a sensing and recording device or possibly a defensive weapon.




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