To Boldly Go

=A= Alien Races =A=

( G I )


Copyright by Cleve Johnson




Planet                                     Gifarin

Class                                       M

Political System                     Unknown

Capital                                    Unknown

Population                              Unknown

Warp Capable                       Unknown

Diameter                                12,178 km

Distance from Star                148,652,600 km

Surface Temperature           -21.7° to 34.7°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 23.5°C

Rotation Period                     21 hours 32 minutes

Orbital Period                       358 days 18 hours 14 minutes

Gravity                                   0.95 standard

Moons                                     2

Orbital Facilities                    Several dozen weapons platforms, various types of


Federation Member              No (Hostile)


Gifarin is slightly smaller than Earth. Not much is known about the planet other than it is class M and has about twenty-seven percent of its surface covered by water and the atmosphere has a high oxygen content.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Gifar are shorter than most humanoids. Females have an average height of 1.6 meters and males are usually ten to twenty centimeters taller. The females have white hair that grows as a ponytail out of the back of their elongated heads. Males are bald. They have dark green skin, small round protruding ears, yellowish eyes, and a white unibrow. Females have a single horn on their foreheads whereas males do not. It is believed that the females dominate the society since the only encounter a Federation starship had with a Gifarin vessel showed that the females were in command of the ship and soldiers that boarded that Federation starship were female. Only one male was observed in that encounter, and he was clearly subservient to the females that he interacted with.

Government/History:  Not much is known about the Gifarin government except it appears from a brief encounter with a Federation starship and through stories told by other species that have encountered them that it is hostile and matriarchal. Some reports show that they have been aggressive toward other species in neighboring star systems. 

Technology:  The Gifarin vessel that attacked a Federation starship had powerful particle beam weapons that was as powerful as a Type IX phaser array. The vessel was also equipped with nuclear missiles and a hull that seemed to absorb phaser energy with no noticeable damage. Apparently, the Gifar have not developed transporter technology because they used shuttles to board the Federation starship that they attacked.




Planet                                     Wugvej

Class                                       M

Political System                     Oligarchy

Capital                                    Grot

Population                              1.1 billion

Warp Capable                       N/A

Diameter                                12,705 km

Distance from Star                149,129,350 km

Surface Temperature           -32.5° to 42.1°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 26.8°C

Rotation Period                     24 hours 2 minutes

Orbital Period                       362 days 1 hour 49 minutes

Gravity                                   0.996 standard

Moons                                     1 (Cheepa)

Orbital Facilities                    N/A

Federation Member              No (Primitive)


Wugvej is similar to Earth in size and land to water ratio. The planet has many forests as well as deserts, and it has two sentient lifeforms.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Grota are reptilians that live in the warmer regions and deserts of Wugvej. They have finned ears, ridged brows, and, unlike most reptiles, have beards. Their scaly skin and eyes are green. Their average height is 1.67 meters. Grota are carnivorous, and the favorite food is the other sentient race—the Mratos—that shares the planet with them. They wear armor. They have a matriarchal society, and males have the function of fertilizing eggs laid by the females and care for the children from the time they hatch until they can be self-sufficient at about three months old. For every male, there are about twelve females; however, females do not participate in the family. They lay eggs on a monthly cycle, generally two or three at a time, but many eggs do not get fertilized due to the low male to female ratio. The Grota live to hunt various mammals, especially the Mratos. The average lifespan is 32 years.

Government/History:  Grota are united under a ruling council of seventeen people from the largest powerful families. They are militaristic with the majority of females participating as warrior-hunters. They have a few cities in the deserts of Wugvej, but they typically send hunting parties into plains and forested areas for food. They discovered the Mratos a little over a hundred years ago, and they have been sending the warrior-hunters deeper into the greener regions ever since.

Technology:  The Grota are less primitive than the Mratos, and they have developed the forging of various metals for bladed weapons and armor. Their level of technology is expected to advance toward industrialization within a few decades.




Planet                                     Hurak Prime

Class                                       M

Political System                     Constitutional Monarchy

Capital                                    Elturahn

Population                              4.8 billion

Warp Capable                       2205

Diameter                                12,948 km

Distance from Star                149,328,000 km

Surface Temperature           -34.2° to 39.9°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 27.2°C

Rotation Period                     22 hours 12 minutes

Orbital Period                       361 days 12 hours 31 minutes

Gravity                                   1.02 standard

Moons                                     1 (Huropu)

Orbital Facilities                    Telek 4 Science Station

Federation Member              No (Friendly)


Hurak Prime is essentially Earth-like in size and appearance. The planet has four major continents and about a dozen large islands that make up about 58% of the planet’s surface. The other 42% of the surface is covered by freshwater seas. Weather patterns are similar to Earth and noticeable seasonal rain and snow are normal.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Hurak are a humanoid species, quite similar in appearance to humans with the exception of eye configuration. The Hurak optic nerve is capable of detecting light frequencies outside of normal human sight, possibly in the infrared range, and has greater distance. The iris is silver-colored, which gives the appearance that a Hurak’s eyes actually glow like fire when the light reflects off his or her eyes. Males average 1.9 meters in height, while females average 1.78 meters. They have olive colored skin and golden hair. Males typically wear their hair long, while the females shave the center of their heads, almost like a reverse Mohawk. The Hurak language is extremely complex in syntax and structure. Starfleet’s most recent universal translator software could not translate it without the Hurak providing additional programming to the UT. The Hurak are a peaceful people who share humanity’s desire for space exploration in order to learn as much as they can about the universe and those who live in it.

Government/History:  Hurak Prime has been a constitutional monarchy for several hundred years. The people of the planet have never known war among themselves and they have always sought to coexist peacefully, and each person seeks to benefit others. They have taken this philosophy into space with them.

Technology:  The Hurak technological development basically parallels Earth’s, but Hurak pacifistic philosophy has prevented the development of any kind of weapons, except for use in protecting their ships and planet from natural dangers such as meteors. The Hurak have developed protective energy shields for their ships and major cities in response to an encounter with a hostile alien race that occurred nearly two centuries ago. Because of this, Hurak shield technology is far superior to anything that the Federation, Klingons, or Romulans currently have.




Planet                                     Idarus

Class                                       M

Political System                     Unknown

Capital                                    Unknown

Population                              2.4 billion

Warp Capable                       2342 (?)

Diameter                                11,698 km

Distance from Star                148,437,850 km

Surface Temperature           -29.1° to 36.2°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 26.8°C

Rotation Period                     22 hours 56 minutes

Orbital Period                       357 days 4 hours 19 minutes

Gravity                                   0.92 standard

Moons                                     1 (Idarus Suleo)

Orbital Facilities                    Orbital Defense Platforms, Communication Satellites

Federation Member              No (Hostile)


Idarus is slightly smaller than Earth and has a harsh climate. Only one third of the surface is covered by water, and the terrain is rocky in most places. Some areas are heavily forested. The atmosphere is quite humid except in the polar regions where the colder temperatures promote drier air. In the warmer regions, violent electrical storms are frequent during the spring, summer, and fall seasons.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Idar are hairless bipedal aliens with fin-like ears and wide protruding cheekbones. The have a semi-flat horn that sweeps out the back of their heads. The have large elongated red eyes, and their nostrils are set slightly higher than their eyes; however, they do not have discernable noses. They have a single tusk that protrudes up from the lower jaw that curves to fit into the upper jaw below the nostrils, and the tusk is always visible. Smaller tusks are hidden inside the mouth. The Idar have an average height of 1.9 meters. They have four fingers. Nothing is known about the culture of the Idarus, but the captain of the U.S.S. Alliance reported that an Idarus starship attacked unexpectedly. During the brief communication with the aliens, the captain reported that the Idar were belligerent and self-assured in their claim to be a superior species. Apparently, the Idar have not encountered many other species as of yet.

Government/History:  Noting is known about the government of Idarus; however, the one encounter with their species indicates a militaristic organization exists.

Technology:  Not much is known about the Idar’s technology level as a whole, but the starship that was encountered by the U.S.S. Alliance had warp drive and was armed with low yield disruptor cannons and missiles. The Alliance’s sensors indicated a technology level comparable to Earth’s early to mid-22nd Century. The top speed of the ship is estimated to be about warp 3.2, and sub-light engines are estimated to only provide thrust up to one tenth light speed. Polarized hull plating and a primitive magnetic shield system were also detected.




Planet                                     Suplax

Class                                       P

Political System                     Various Unaligned Packs

Capital                                    N/A

Population                              14.2 million

Warp Capable                       N/A

Diameter                                9,698 km

Distance from Star                155,473,084 km

Surface Temperature           -49.4° to 16.7°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 8.9°C

Rotation Period                     16 hours 2 minutes

Orbital Period                       392 days 0 hours 3 minutes

Gravity                                   0.76 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    Suplax Central Spaceport

Federation Member              No (Neutral)


Suplax is significantly smaller than Earth and has a cold climate with heavy snowfall during most of the year. The planet has two continents and several dozen small islands that make up about 48 percent of the surface with oceans and fresh water sources comprising the rest. About 60 percent of the oceans are glaciated and 90 percent of freshwater sources are frozen throughout the year except a few weeks during the summer when the ocean glaciers recede to about 55 percent and the lakes and rivers thaw to reduce overall ice to 78 percent. The planet hosts two sentient lifeforms—The Inchar and the Incharu.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Inchar people are bipedal but canine in appearance with thick fur covering most of their bodies. Many wear loincloths, but some prefer to not wear any clothing. The Alpha of each pack does wear some sort of head dressing to signify his position. Others might choose to wear a necklace with the tiny skulls of prey animals. Like their cousins, the Incharu, they are hunters of small game animals, but they avoid larger animals. The Inchar do not use bladed weapons, preferring to kill their prey with their own claws and teeth; however, they prefer to cook their food. Fur color for most Inchar favors dark shades of brown, but those who live long lives begin to have their fur gradually change to gray, especially around their snouts. Eye color is dark brown with little variation between individuals. Inchar have an average height of 1.9 meters. They will only eat edible plants when meat is scarce. Most of the population live in caves to stay warm during the cold nights. Inchar lifespan averages 24 years. The Inchar share the planet with a higher developed race known as the Incharu who are also caninoids with humanoid facial features; however, the two societies respectfully avoid one another.

Government/History:  The Inchar are organized in packs of 10 to 18 individuals and follow an alpha within each pack. The alpha is chosen by combat when another clan member or members believe that the alpha has become weak or made decisions that do not benefit, or are even harmful to the pack, and make a formal challenge. Although combat is not necessarily to the death, some combatants have died or been seriously injured. The winner of these contests becomes the new alpha, and the defeated, if he or she survives, becomes least in the pack unless he or she finds redemption through providing more than the others during the hunt. The least of the pack has the same right as all the others to challenge the new alpha should he or she prove to be a weak leader.

Technology:  Inchar technology is very primitive. They do have the knowledge to create and sustain fire and make stone-age axes in order to cut wood to burn. They are aware of the Incharu and higher forms of technology, but the Inchar have rejected it in order to maintain a primitive lifestyle believing that to embrace tools for hunting and defense would make them weak as individuals and as a race.




Planet                                     Suplax

Class                                       P

Political System                     Democracy

Capital                                    Suplax City

Population                              2.5 billion

Warp Capable                       2192

Diameter                                9,698 km

Distance from Star                155,473,084 km

Surface Temperature           -49.4° to 16.7°C, Temperate Zone Avg. 8.9°C

Rotation Period                     16 hours 2 minutes

Orbital Period                       392 days 0 hours 3 minutes

Gravity                                   0.76 standard

Moons                                     0

Orbital Facilities                    Suplax Central Spaceport

Federation Member              No (Neutral/Friendly)


Suplax is significantly smaller than Earth and has a cold climate with heavy snowfall during most of the year. The planet has two continents and several dozen small islands that make up about 48 percent of the surface with oceans and fresh water sources comprising the rest. About 60 percent of the oceans are glaciated and 90 percent of freshwater sources are frozen throughout the year except a few weeks during the summer when the ocean glaciers recede to about 48 percent and the lakes and rivers thaw to reduce overall ice to 65 percent. The planet hosts two sentient lifeforms—The Inchar and the Incharu.

Physical Appearance/Culture:  The Incharu people are bipedal but canine in appearance with thick fur covering most of their bodies. They do have humanoid facial features. Most typically wear wool tunics with braided rope-belts around their waists to attach pouches or technical equipment such as handheld sensing and/or communication devices. Many wear a cape when traveling. During a hunt, they also attach a holstered particle energy pistol and attach a long-bladed weapon on their backs. They prefer to use the blade to kill the animals that they hunt for food, but the energy pistols are used for self-defense against large predators if necessary. Fur color has a lot of variety, but shades of brown, black, and gray are predominant. Those with white fur are few in number and considered sacred by other members of the species. Eye color is dark brown with little variation between individuals. Incharu are tall with an average height of 2.2 meters. They are omnivorous, but they prefer freshly cooked meat. Most of the population live in villages consisting of six to eight packs, and the entire planet only has four cities with a population of three to seven thousand citizens each. Suplax City is the largest with an average population size of sixty-eight hundred inhabitants. The average lifespan is 68 years. The Incharu share the planet with a less developed race known as the Inchar who are also caninoids but resemble hyenas.

Government/History:  The Incharu are organized in packs of 20 to 30 individuals and follow a pure democratic form of leadership within each pack. Each pack also has an elected representative that serves on the planetary council, which makes decisions for the entire population based on a simple majority vote. Incharu believe that the strong will survive and that the weekly hunt is what keeps them strong and united.

Technology:  Incharu technology is comparable to Earth of the early 24th Century. They currently have only three warp spaceships that they use to travel to other planets within a few light years to hunt non-sentient animals as supplemental food sources to the low number of indigenous animals on their own world. Top warp speed for their ships is estimated at warp 8. The Incharu have developed transporter technology that is almost as sophisticated as what has been developed by the Federation.



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